Inner Voices
15th June - 9th July
Don't Look Away in association with Red Line Productions at the Old Fitz
Warning: This production contains violence, course language, scenes of torture, nudity, water, smoke, haze and loud music.
Knowing Only his name, a boy has been locked away since childhood. He is groomed to become leader of Russia. But will chaos erupt when he gains power?
Written by Louis Nowra
Directed by Phil Rouse
With Annie Byron, Julian Garner, Emily Goddard, Nicholas Papademetriou, Anthony Gooley, Francesa Savige, and Damien Strouthos
Designers: Anna Gardiner & Martelle Hunt
Lighting Designer: Sian James-Holland
Sound Designer: Katelyn Shaw
Production Manager: Amy Burkett
Stage Manager: Kirsty Walker
Rehearsal Stage Manager: Iley Jones
Producer: Anne Brito
Time: Tuesday – Sat 7:30pm, Sun 5pm
Ticket Prices: $38 Adult, $33 Concession, $28 Previews & Cheap Tuesday
The performance runs for 90 minutes without an interval.