by Brendan Cowell
Produced by Red Line Productions
With Ben O’Toole, Sean Hawkins, Jamie Timony and Cheree Cassidy
30 June - 25 July
Three men. One woman. One hour. As time ticks to a close the best and the worst of these three males comes blaring out under the watch of their mother figure. Who will win? Who will survive? Who will prevail as man? Men is Brendan Cowell’s first play and premiered at the Old Fitz in 2000. A nerve-bending exposé of what it is to be a guy, with a twist that will leave you breathless.
Director: Jessica Tuckwell
Designer: Tess Dorman
Lighting Design: Alex Berlage
Sound Design: Jed Silver
Stage Manager: Genevieve Muratore
Publicity: IP Publicity
Ticket prices: $35 Adult $30 Concession $25 Previews and Cheap Tuesday (all tickets include $2 booking fee)
Times: Tues – Sat 7:30pm, Sun 5pm